Grey Heron
Heavy rain, dark and overcast. Wasn't hopeful of getting much of a shot. The male previously known as Nervy was the first over, he really is transformed and regularly comes over first. He landed at the water's edge and I started feeding him. He had a good feed then the little female (pictured)flew over to the viewing platform, I started feeding her as well. Once they had finished I made my way to the clearing where the Little female was waiting for more. There were fewer crows around and no gulls.
Used the Nex Mirrorless camera today after taking off the flash unit (had to be careful as it is not weather sealed). It seamed to work ok considering it was quite dark and heavy rain. I also got a tip from a forum about putting black tape over the flash light on the A77 which would blot out the light when the flash fires.
The extra is the male
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