Another squash & squeeze

Got up before 6 to take Elbows somewhere so I thought I may as well go for an early lake swim, which was glorious. I did have friends there too, arriving separately, but we all swam alone at our own pace.

But then legged it home and set off again to help set up and serve at our church open house. I wasn’t an organiser - just a helper but wow, the crowds of visitors that came were amazing and encouraging!

Then onto my MIL’s house, where family were gathering all day in recognition of it being the anniversary of the death of the amazing man who would have been my FIL. I never met him but have heard much about him obviously. My SIL had unearthed a file full of letters of condolence written to my MiL at the time, and we all had a good read. Many of them, Elbows hadn’t seen before. He was a teenager when his father died suddenly on holiday in France.

My MiL wanted to move away from the letters and on to family games. So we did that, ate tea and chatted more. Family had been coming and going so we didn’t see everyone.

Then for the sake of our dogs and HatBox’s missed family birthday gathering, our lot all came back to ours to watch a film and eat popcorn and chocolate.

So it was a squashed squeezed but lovely day and we’re ‘pooped’.

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