Pesky berries

Tree pictures two days running but this is a situation!  This laurel tree outside our front door is dull but sturdy and has never caused any issues but the odd shed leaf.  This year it has produced thousands upon thousands of small black fruit that rain down on the path.  We’ve been sweeping them up but you turn around twice and they are back.  Looking up in the tree this evening there are evidently many more to come.  

The internet suggests they aren’t edible, and I am not going to give it a go.  Woody did eat some but seems to have stopped.  

V is getting semi obsessed by the sweeping.  

A lovely warm day after another misty start.  V had a morning hospital appointment and went with Marc whilst I went over and had lunch with Mum and Thembi her carer.  Beautifully presented lunch.  Mum and I sorted through some clothes as she has asked for some new trousers.  Quite a task! 

Back home via J & S newly returned from holiday.  I found the whereabouts of Mum’s stick at a friend in Petersfield and picked it up for J to take tomorrow. 

Cooked supper from Nigel Slater’s first Kitchen Diaries, a delicious lamb and veg bake from September 16 so absolutely on the right date. 

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