... with one eye open.

By Chamaeleo

Canterbury: Random Punters

Less strenuous a moment in large.

We woke up at home in Cantebury for the first time this morning! We've not yet moved in, but now have a bed there so can stay and have longer stints for decorating and DIY.
It was a day of work on the walls, but we went into town for lunch and a stroll when we returned the hired wallpaper steamer at the end of the morning. It has certainly been a productive couple of days: we got the necessary wallpaper stripping done, and managed to get the various stripped walls to a state when they're ready to be patched up and painted rather than needing any more materials removed...
We got back in London in time to put the duckules to bed, and I'm sufficiently tired from all that steaming, scraping, and scrubbing that I would probably have fallen straight asleep if I'd just followed them into the Eglu and curled up...

Others here (or right from Spectral start)

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