Adam's Images

By ajt


We had a hot dry spring but the summer here in Brittany hasn't been hot or dry. My wife has been doing a bit more pointing on the wall, and because of the weather has had to protect the last section on this wall from the rain while it dries. It's taken her more than two years to do one side of one wall, and that still leaves two sides of a taller wall that needs doing plus the smallest third wall - which isn't very big but needs a lot more work to make it sound.

Because lime is slow to work with it puts most people off doing it properly. It's also going to cause a problem with the second wall, as though on side is accessible from our garden easily enough, the second side is to a public street, which we'd need to have closed to traffic every day to make it safe to work on with a scaffold. We've already had it closed most days for over a year because of the building work on our house, so closing it for a further two years isn't going to make us popular!

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