
By SonofLionel

Parc Ornithologique

This morning, we recovered the car from its “free” parking spot and drove to a coastal town further into the Camargue. En route to Saintes Marie, we stopped off at the Bird Sanctuary. It claims to need 1-1.5 hours to walk its well prepared paths of roughly 2-3 Km. At the beginning, we believed the ad!  However, we arrived at the “if you want to take a shortcut back to the exit, take this path here” sign. Oh, we said, there is still the “long” path. We had already been there for over the hour and a half. We decided to plod on. Exhausting, but the extra 4 Km was worth it!  Saw my first live Kingfisher (pic not good enough to share here - maybe if I can get the extra working). Tons of others. Here, in the collage are the grey heron, Avocet and (I think - corrections on a postcard) Little Ringed Plover.  Plus, the obligatory Flamingo, who seemed pleased to see us too. 

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