
By Happyme


My latest evening knitting project. This is the 3rd slip over for myself. I'm using up wool that has been bought previously for projects that have never materialised. I've adjusted the pattern each time. The first one I used cotton which knitted up really large, the second was a better fit and I'm hoping this will be the best. It takes less than 200g of wool as I have shortened the length by quite a bit. I'm hoping I'll have this finished by the weekend so I can take it on my trip away.
I'm off to mum's on Sunday. She's been struggling with various things and has a hospital appointment on Thursday which I will be able to accompany her to. She's definitely cheered up on the phone since I said I was going so that's good news. 
Everything is much more bleak on the other side of the family, and a day at a time is all we can do.

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