View From the Hide

Wedding anniversary today so we took a trip over to Vane Farm. Weather was a bit changeable and started raining as we arrived so went for lunch first. Still a bit grey afterwards so decided against a walk up the hill and went to one of the hides instead. Had our 'scope with us so were able to scan for birds. It looked very quiet but as is often the way when sitting in a hide, a bit of patient searching is usually rewarded. There were families of Mute Swans, and some Canada Geese and Greylag Geese (or were they Pink Footed Geese - I'm out of practise at identification!) Also a few Mallards, a Pochard, a pair of Great Crested Grebes, a Heron that L spotted and a Buzzard that I found sitting on a fencepost in the far distance. And on our way back we saw a little frog on the path. Dropped in on P in Glenrothes and then home for a nice meal. some fizz and a couple of films. I chose Fever Pitch and L picked Tootsie. Both familiar and enjoyable for a very pleasant evening.

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