A New Day

By ANewDay

Giant Alium

The advantage of planting bulbs in pots rather than directly into the ground is that you can change them around when they fade. First it was tulips in pots on the patio and now it is these magnificent aliums. Pity they have such an awful smell, as they look so lovely:-)

I was gently taken to task today by the Head Gardener (aka my husband) for always wanting to go out somewhere and leaving all the garden work to him. Suitably chastened, I spent several hours tidying up a neighbour's overgrown hedge which intrudes into our garden, followed by planting up some more pots for the front garden.

While I was flitting around doing this, he was doing the back-breaking stuff like sifting the gravel in our drive, which is now full of cement and plaster dust and then pulling up all the long grass that's somehow established itself in the flower borders when we weren't looking! At least I contributed a little to the overall improvements:-)

Very envious of the lovely sunshine elsewhere today, as we've had a dull and quite cold day - but at least it didn't rain!

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