A hint of a rainbow (Day 3048)

Unusually, Sigyn woke me up this morning. She rarely bothers us through the night, but this morning she made various crashing noises as she fell up the stairs. Having made it into the bedroom, she made sure I was awake by licking my nose and poking me in the eye with her nose. This is usually a sign she needs out in the garden. This morning (at 615), it was a sign that she wanted to go out for her morning walk. Apparently we shouldn't be ruled by our animals, but since I was awake anyway...
Back home I had time to kill before I could get in touch with a manufacturer to try and sort a boiler problem, so I sorted out some stuff and did some house chores.
I got in touch with the boiler manufacturer and got some suggestions of more checks to do, then headed to Evie to see if I could make any progress with it. I confirmed that it is dead and it needs a new circuit board.
A trip to town to order a board, then home and a wander with Sigyn between rain showers. We were lucky and only got caught in a brief shower on the way home.
The rest of the afternoon was spent at home sorting out stuff and awaiting the return of my beautiful wife from her adventures.

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