Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

Well stocked

There is something very satisfying about a well-stocked larder. More unpacking revealed tins, spices and jams that had been in the loft in the UK. There are a few things that are well beyond their best before date but they should be ok. I will use the old-fashioned testing technique of look at it, smell it, taste a morsel and proceed if all seems well! The spices may not be quite as strong but they will still do the job if added in greater quantity. While Mrs TT reorganised the pantry, I hung a lot more pictures in the basement/utility area. They certainly make that room look far more lived in and it is much better that they be on the walls rather than stashed away in cupboards. I have a match this evening programmed for 9 pm under the floodlights so will be back very late. It is getting as bad as the Grand Slams!

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