Till we meet again Cynthia xxx

I had a day to myself today... Son in law went out early, daughter dropped grandchildren to school before heading to work herself...
My GP messaged to say he had my Ultrasound results of my Urine track so I booked a telehealth appointment, he knew I was away... Bladder looks good but they found a mass on my right kidney and don't know what it is, so I'm now booked in for a CT scan next Thursday morning after I return home next Wednesday afternoon...
I started cleaning kitchen benches, washed breakfast dishes to help fill in time...
Cynthia's Funeral service was being live streamed at 11:45am so I made sure I was read to watch it... Still sad that I wasn't able to go to the funeral but thankful they offered live streaming... It was a lovely service... I reflected on my own times spent with Cynthia...
I continued cleaning to again fill in time...
I was gifted some painted rocks...
When the grandchildren came home they gave me a kangaroo charm complete with a joey from Pandora to add to my Pandora braclet...
When they all returned home we went to a Chinese restaurant for dinner...

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