West Coaster

By WestCoaster

Boudicca Makes Way

Today dawned overcast the predicted sun seeming a long way away. Skating was the mornings activity, the twins had a lesson as they prepare for their first competition and dad skived as my coach was away to compete herself. I was not really in the mood to skate to be honest, my mind wandered elsewhere.

I forgot the camera and returned home thinking about a blip for the day but with little inspiration. The sun finally burned through and after a short walk through the village to no avail I decided again to head for the river always a source of calm and endless blips. So it proved again as the |Fred Olsen Liner Boudicca gently backed out her berth into the channel she could have been leaving some med or Adriatic port so beautiful was the afternoon weather.

A strange name for a liner I thought; Boudicca was queen of Iceni in Eastern England and led a major uprising against occupying Roman forces. When the king died the Romans who had allowed him to rule decided that they would then rule Iceni directly and confiscated the property of the leading tribesmen. They are also said to have stripped and flogged Boudicca and raped her daughters. These actions exacerbated widespread resentment at Roman rule

The Roman governor Gaius Suetonius Paullinus was leading a campaign in North Wales when the Iceni rebelled. Boudicca's warriors defeated the Roman Ninth Legion and destroyed the capital of Roman Britain, then at Colchester and subsequently destroyed London and Verulamium (St Albans).

Boudicca was defeated by a Roman army led by Paulinus. Many Britons were killed and Boudicca is thought to have poisoned herself to avoid capture. The site of the battle, and of Boudicca's death, are unknown.

Why oh why would you name your ship after such a character?

I was saddened to learn today of the passing of Iain Banks, a major figure of the Scottish literary scene, it will be a little more barren without his books to look forward to and I for one have enjoyed his work immensely

I hope you enjoy todays shot, nice in large from our river today

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