Two halves

I was saying to a blipper friend there must be a full moon or something coming up. Work was mental this morning.  I also was working with a different student for a while and came away with another war wound. Stung for ages and bruised straight away.  But hey ho its nearly Friday.  

The jedi had his play at the park on the way home. And I literally stepped through the front door when Xander needed picked up from school.  His tummy hurt. So Mr R collected all the big wildlings and he got calpol when he came home. It certainly gave him a pick up as nana and grandad said he was full of beans during my driving lesson.  I had a great lesson.  I need to keep on remembering to look in my left mirror though.  I forgot that a few times during my lesson.  But it was a good lesson and he is going to book my test. I should hopefully have another lesson on Monday to practice a mock lesson.  

My apologies again but I'm just through the door and cooking tonight and tomorrow's dinner and chasing my tail. It's never ending.  X 

And it's taking nearly a hour to upload to blip. Not sure why 

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