100 Plus a Zero

I'm not sure why my blip birthdays seem to coinside with my weekends on (in work). but they do. I borrowed the power point thing which was a kind of a bonus as any blipping opportunities would have been few and far between. And looking at this, I think I may have been a tad more creative back in the 100 blip days!

I love blip. It's as simple as that. It's like some weird relationsip where I feel compelled to stay when sometimes I really think I should go.

And looking back at my blips, I've finally worked out that my journal isn't about great photographic skills and technical know how. Im too much of a lazy cow for all that.

It's just about me, me, me and occasionally my family, or a dandylion or a dog!

That makes me more than a little happy to still be part of this brilliant community.

So many thanks indeed to all you folks out there and particularly to the long suffering subscribers who still find the time to make comments and swear on my images. Im so grateful


and just for a select few here's my final two words.....
Tally Whacker.

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