Barge boards back in place!

In the middle of last winter our neighbour was clearing the snow from our drive. It was snowing hard, and it was dark, and as he drove up the drive the raised shovel caught the corner of the barge board and knocked them half out. Rikard didn't even notice and neither did we until the next morning when we saw the boards hanging from the point of the roof!
January didn't seem the right time of year to start roof repairs so I pushed them back on as far as I could and tied everything in place. It was serving its function even if it looked a little strange.
And so it stayed until today. I finally felt the cold that has been plaguing me (and now Jan) seemed to have finally been defeated. As I walked my body felt like it was finally working smoothly and normally. So I set to work on the roof end. The boards came down, a little more suddenly than I had hoped, but no damage was done. I split them apart, got some new nails, shortend the boards by 15 cm so the same accident won't happen again and reassembled the whole thing. It went quicker than I thought it would and felt good to have the house back in trim. I celebrated by cleaning the gutters which were filled with birch seeds, so now the rain can drain as it should.

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