Tiny little bird


The photo shoots I was doing with UV body paint were amazing. The one I did over a week ago was amazing. I included a toy light up sword and now I am fascinated by the idea of light painting portraits. 

I called the church. The man I emailed last week hadn’t seen the email. He found it and forwarded it, along with my proposal, to other people and is hopeful that they’ll host. 

Fingers crossed.

Then I just have to, you know, raise money. I am not concerned about any other part of this (which may mean I know nothing, and I do know nothing). 

Sam was fine yesterday. Tonight he was NOT. Hopefully the Imodium will help both of us tonight. Thank you very much for the sympathy. 

Ukraine is working on green energy. In addition to the other renewable energies, they are working on cow dung. They are going to use it and other agricultural biomass to create bio methane which will replace natural gas. They have a partnership with the EU. By 2040 the hope is it will provide 1/3 of what they use and let them export to the EU. There are at least 10 companies constructing or planning new bio methane plants. 

13 children were returned to Ukraine according to the exec dir of Save Ukraine Charity. 

Putin called for a boost in Russia’s aviation - the same day there was yet another emergency landing by a domestic passenger plane. Sanctions make it though to get spare parts. There have been several emergency landings recently. 

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