An ordinary life....

By Damnonii


Blue skies, sunny morning, up bright and early to get organised for a visit from my Blip Pal (and now real life pal) Sleepyhead.

David was off early to play golf at an Invitational on a course he hadn't played before, nervous but looking forward to it and extra happy because of the sunshine. A little bit of sun makes such a difference to mood and energy levels.

Peter arrived at mine and we sat outside to eat lunch, marvelling at the fact summer has arrived (sun two days in a row.....that certainly counts as summer arriving in Scotland ;)

As a long time admirer of Peter's Castle shots I was keen to have a go myself so we headed off to Doune Castle. The sky was deep blue, the sun was gloriously warm, the castle looked magnificent but yes, we chose to spend most all of the time inside the castle exploring it's nooks and crannies and pondering over the use of some of the odd little spaces hidden in corner. Loos we concluded!

The sense of history in these places never fails to astound me. It's palpable. Sadly my photographic abilities do no justice to this beautiful castle and its surrounding of course it would have helped if I'd taken the polarizing filter off my lens before I was half way round the interior of the castle! so you get a heavily processed shot of one of many of the castle's intriguing doors and windows.

Afterwards we headed back to mine to sit outside in the sun and of course, after 10 minutes of that, the Scottish sky did it's predicable trick of clouding over and sending down some rain!

David arrived back, proper drinks were poured and dinner was made. Slightly later than planned but before midnight so result! :)) Had dessert (when it finally defrosted!) drinks and chat before a relatively early night at 1.ooam.

Another great day with my blip pal. Thanks Peter :))

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