New collar.

Bella has been a pickle with her barking. Its not your typical dog bark but an unexpected loud yap when you least expect it and usually only when I'm around. Or with a noise. It puts me on edge which just makes her worse!

Mr W bought an anti bark collar. I was totally against it and its been the cause of many an argument. More about his determination to get one and how he approached me about it.

He put the collar on Bella on Friday for the 1st time while they were at Lady Lindas. And he put it on her again today. It did stress me a bit but I think its actually works!! The 1st bark sets a beep. If she barks again within 40 seconds it vibrates. She didn't get any further than a beep so I think its working. She is a quick learner so I'm hoping this works as I don't want it to be used long term.

Mr W has started painting the decking. Rain was forecast today so no painting got done. Rain didn't start till 9pm!!!!!

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