Revealed again

Obviously this is an oft snapped picture, as you come around the side of Arthur's Seat. One of the great things about the e-bike is being able to go around the back of Arthur's Seat in a morning, without getting sweaty or exhausted. Which gives you this reveal.

I was a bit disappointed in the picture, from my phone. It lacks colour, although there is a lot of detail in it. I think I'm not necessarily yet getting the best from the new phone.

Oh, I forgot to mention. I got a new phone yesterday, and having decided I would wait to set it up, in fact I spent a couple of hours yesterday sorting it out. I was fed up with the fact that I would spend about two hours a day plugged in to the mains, in order to keep my phone primed. So now I'm trying to figure out how to get better photographs from it.

Today was full of introductions. Four of them. By the end, I felt I was repeating myself. I probably was. Plus some meetings. And various other things that had to be dealt with. Unfortunately, I was supposed to meet a former colleague for dinner, but his flight was delayed by four hours, so I had to cancel the reservation and head home instead.

Hoping that there is no repetition of last night. Our building alarm went off at 5am. Lots of people went downstairs to the courtyard. Mr A popped out on the balcony for a look and decided there was nothing to worry about. I stood out there keeping an eye on things until the fire service came (quite quickly) and switched it off. I was interested to see that our so called "waking watch" did not go around the building requiring people to go down the courtyard. As usual, it was obviously an alarm malfunction which set it off....

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