
By JanetMayes

Saturday brunch

P made the excellent savoury scones, I grew the little Merrrygold tomatoes, which are really more orange than red, and the basil. We enjoyed them with goats' cheese for our relaxed Saturday brunch.  

J wanted to watch the live action Little Mermaid film, which has recently been released on Disney+, on the television in the sitting room, which is a good deal larger than her computer and now has a transmitter to connect the sound with her bluetooth neckloop, sending good quality sound to her hearing aid. This gave me a couple of quiet hours to make two big tubs of tomatoes into passata. We use a lot of tomatoes, and rarely have a large enough crop to make passata, so I was pleased to be slicing and simmering; it's the king of gently mindful cooking I enjoy.

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