Wisdom Begins In Wonder

By bobzilla

Gyeongbokgung Palace

This was our down day. A day for unorganised sightseeing and getting up to pace with jamboree life after all the travelling. After the rain the previous night we decided we needed wellies for the site. This required much internet searching both for translations and for locations and we found none. We’d heard tell of a Decathlon store somewhere and we knew they sold wellies in the uk so we changed tack and found one in the suburbs in a huge shopping mall. A bunch of us set off hoping but ultimately they sold nothing like a wellington boot. We did find an amazing ‘coffee’ shop that was basically an aquarium that sold drinks. Some of the fish there were worth thousands of £s!
That same bunch of folk went for a burger at No Brand Burger and then onto Gyeongbokgung Palace. Ashley wanted to dress up in hanbok but they put the traditional dress on top of the clothes you’re wearing and it was something like 36C and very humid so felt in low 40s. Would have been fun to do it but I’m not sure I’d have survived. As it was we found some shade behind the main hall and rode out the worst of the heat.
After that we took Neil’s suggestion and went to a baseball game. Doosan Bears vs Busan something or other. We bumped into a lone German tourist that was travelling to Tokyo called Hans who joined us for the first few innings. By halfway through the game though we realised we were supposed to be back in Meyongdong to go for dinner at 8pm so we started the trek back before the game ended (Doosan lost massively) and once again ended up getting food from the market place.

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