A brilliant mural

Today we picked up our grandchildren from school and were so impressed by the mural which one of the teachers has painted in the holidays. The children were invited to submit drawings to be included in it last term and our grandson had two of his accepted….. as seen here, the owl and the little bird, a goldfinch.  

It is a very nice work and includes the local landmark of the bridge across Teddington Lock which I happened coincidentally to blip a photo of yesterday. See the whole work in the extra.I’m guessing it’s representing Bushy Park as well.

The mural is outside and also is an easy climbing wall they have put new brightly coloured footholds on. Our granddaughter did not submit a drawing but was keen on climbing across the wall!

A busy day..Pilates, coffee, lunch with friends at a restaurant overlooking the river….from which you can also see the Teddington bridge…then picking up the children from school. A different entrance this year as they are now in Year 2.

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