Not London

I was meant to be going to London today to spend the day with Lesley. Who texted early doors, she was the poorly one and so I didn’t go to London. I dropped Will most of the way to his first day at college, collected Hannah from her holiday flat and we sat in the garden with tea for longer than we had originally planned. Then I took her to the station and went to the supermarket to buy non- birthday food because it turns out we had no dinners no packed lunch stuff. That done, Rosie and I went for a glorious swim then I finished making my trousers, pleased with them and chopped the bottom off two dresses I didn’t like to make two tops I did.

Will returned happy with his day with the no uniform, calling the teachers by their first names and finishing for the day at 1:30. Tomorrow he gets a little lie in with a 10:15 start, the joys of leaving school behind. And Daisy has got her contract all signed for her new Welsh flat, her friend moved in today. Being a working person, she has to wait for the broadband.

All quite a very good day. Plus in bed just gone 8 after the general excesses* of the weekend.

* all that sun and summer pudding. And maybe the wine.

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