
By TrishaR


Today was quite busy.

We walked into town and dropped off some jumpers of my mum to the charity shop. These were easy to get rid of as I never saw her wear any of them. We had not had breakfast so went to Nero and had a coffee and warm almond C. Walk home, some lunch in the garden then a decision made to go and see the photo exhibition from the Perth camera club in the Birnham Arts building.

Good range of photos and enjoyed seeing them. Walked from Birnham into Dunkeld, over the Tay. It was looking pretty (as usual) in Dunkeld. Not many tourists about now .

For some reason a feeling of melancholy came over me and seem to stick the rest of the day. I seem to be thinking of Cameron as well. Everything has changed. It’s great for him. But I miss the days when they were small and we did so much together. We had mum down or with us too. Life was so much fun (and busy). I’m like a lost soul I think atm. I get ideas in my head to do stuff then I cannot find the energy to carry them out. I have an idea to go on holiday but then that’s all it is , an idea. Nothing moves forward from that. Sometimes I feel a spark of old me but only briefly. I thought back to 2002 when Dad died (suddenly). Back then he died in the Monday and was buried on the Friday and I went back to work on the Monday a week later. It seems really quick when I think of it.

I told the guy from the camera club that I met at Birnham that was thinking of going back this year and he was very enthusiastic saying that it had changed a lot for the better. Less cliquey .

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