Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Hot Dog...

...Only not so hot as it might look. 
(The coat is apparently a cooling contraption). 
We needed cool coats ourselves at the garden party.

This is a backblip. 
Despite the beautiful garden we were in, my only images of the day, apart from this one, were of people and personalised birthday cake. 
So, here is the gentlest little dog you could wish to meet. 

I came home having gathered, at the party, a few hours of work to do.
All complete now and it should be 'playtime'. (Except I've been sitting at a computer all day and my stiff neck is complaining at doing even more). 
Also, now it's raining cats and dogs so a blip for today (11th) will probably very dull. 

I'll go and see!

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