And delphiniums blue

By flynnet

Bye bye Winnie :)

Wow what a weekend with the wonderful Winnie, her mum picked her up at 8am me Ash and Win were waiting on the front step for her. We then drove up to Ravenscar and walked a few miles on the tops. BLISS then we went to stepney farm for breakfast yum yum. Last night at 2am Winnie started crying the only thing it could have been was a loo break, so I put her lead on and off we toddled I was in my dressing gown I walked her round the large garden but she wouldn't go and kept going towards the steps so we went to the grass at the front and she went hope to god know one saw me haha when I got dropped off she wanted to come with me bless her :) never mind I will see her on tues for are lessons :) time to clean the laundry cupboard out speak soon.

love c x x x

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