Weekend shoot

went to the local wholesale market for some early morning shots with a few friends from office. The place was over crowded even in the wee hours. In fact, by the time others were getting up in their bedrooms, most of the sale was already done here. People were a little too interested and interfering today in the market. It was almost impossible to get some unguarded candid shot. This is one of the shots I could manage.

Went to see a play yesterday. The sets, music, dance, costumes everything was just spectacular. The play started off with a Kalbelia dance. The director in fact got the some authentic dancers from the village of Rajasthan for the show. I have always been a big fan of Rajasthani folk music. And it was good to get a taste of it in the play yesterday. Some of the performance though were below par, which was a deal killer. A couple of actors (one of them was the female protagonist) had an english accent in their Hindi diction which made the dialogue delivery very unnatural. The story was a page from history and was very simple. Better performances from some of the artists could have made the play better. The male protagonist was played by Arif Zakaria, who as always was brilliant.

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