The end of the world

I put in a lot of work today improving my original spreadsheet using the techniques, principles and formulae I've learnt from J-L over the last three days. It's definitely much better than it was but it's still recognisable as the thing that it was - which will reassure my colleagues no end. J-L and I have fundamental disagreements about presentation. He's tried in vain to persuade me to get rid of the 'ugly' background colours I use to distinguish different parts of the spreadsheet, and to centre the text, but he concedes it's my spreadsheet.

We had a lovely bike ride through the vines in the warm afternoon sun to Le Bout du Monde - some cliffs about three miles away. At other times of year a waterfall pours over the cliffs but everything is dry at the moment. I was very grateful for the kindness of a host who not only has a spare bike for guests but a spare electric bike.

This evening J-L's sister, her husband and son came for a meal. Discussions about Russia, Ukraine and le 'changement' (a much milder word than I use) du climat were very good for my French.

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