
Who ever thought that Portobello Road on a hot and sunny Saturday morning could be so busy? I actually think that, although I'm not claiming to be a local, I was the only person though who had a clear destination in my mind (the Rough Trade shop on Talbot Road pictured here) and the going was s-l-o-w to say the least. Might have to go at a different time of the week next time I'm down, either that or when it's pouring down to avoid the crowds. London? Busy? Well I never...

Got to admit that I wasn't particularly looking forward to my train back to Scotland at 5pm, a six and a half hour journey that usually takes less than five. But, it all passed remarkably quickly. I had my tunes and I had reading to do - finished this one (loved it - thanks to just sitting for the lend) and started another (loving it - thanks to C for the present).

Right, catch-up nearly complete, best have a tune. A 7" purchase from today.

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