The light that you shine can’t be seen

This morning we got up and headed off early. First off., we wanted to catch the fishing Boat Spes Bona. She sells at the harbour on a Saturday
Morning for a couple of hours and we wanted to grab a nice piece of Cod. A dozen langoustines wouldn’t have gone amiss either.

But the fridge was gonna be full of cod. So Langoustines would have to wait

The chap is super friendly and was keen to tell us where our ‘chap’ had been swimming a mere ten hours before. And how Deep the water had been before he was pulled from it to be served to us .

We noticed the seals (same ones as other night. ) approaching and we asked if he fed them.

‘only the little ones.’ He said, throwing his hand into his ‘stick’ and firing four or five herring to the seals

They were very appreciative

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