On the dock

The heat really got to me last night.  I just could not get to sleep and even swithered about putting on the AC.  Resisted.  Once up I had a quick trip down to NMC to do a favour for #2 son.  Home I did some Choir admin and laundry and then eventually sat out in the garden, trying to catch up on that lost sleep.  There was a bit of cloud and wind today but it was much more humid than yesterday. 

In the evening off on the bus to the Manor and then a taxi via WPR to Newhaven.  There was a sunset but it was cloudier than last night.  We had a good meal with lots of chat but a grumpy taxi driver home.  The lighthouse looked pretty all lit up with the shadows in the harbour.

Got home to find J had locked me out - c'est la vie!

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