
By TheHairyPict

Hell's Gate National Park, Lake Naivashu

Lake Naivashu is one of the few freshwater lakes in the Rift Valley --  most are salty. There is geothermal activity in the valley, which is used for generating electricity, and we were told that there have been volcanic eruptions in the folk memory of the Maasai people, hence the name. There is a spectacular gorge that is unfortunately off limits now, since a flash flood in 2019 killed a party of tourists with their guide.  Apparently the scenery features in The Lion King and Lara Croft, Tomb Raider --- which means nothing to me as I have seen neither movie (I suspect the Lion King is the better of the two?).  There are no large carnivores in Hell's Gate, so it is possible to go for walks here --- we hired bikes.

We saw a Ruppelle's vulture, but it had it's back to me and I didn't get a good shot, so the extra is a zebra --- nervous animals that remind me more of a donkey than a horse.

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