Stuffed now...

Today's gardening activity...
In earlier images this garden bed was either weeds or a garden bed with red clay and rubble...
Yesterday I chopped back the Lily Pilly shrubs and dug out a tall grassy weed and raked over this garden bed...
So I could get on with today's mission...
Lay first row black plastic, lay double layer of weed matting onto of plastic, then spread mulch, repeat again for second row, then with the third row I lay the black plastic, lay the double layer of weed matting, because I was running out of mulch I used a 1/4 bale of sugar cane mulch I had sitting here to put down first then I put the last of the mulch to cover the sugar cane so it all looked the same... Oh and I took another tumble during the second and third row, so I stopped for lunch and to go pick son up from Refereeing 3 games of football today... When I got back I did the third row then I used 3 besser blocks to hold the top of the plastic and the weed matting inplace... Then onto moving plants down there to make it look pretty...
I'm very happy with this project so far, just the top part of the garden bed to sort out in a few weeks time because my body hates me right now, so much pain...

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