Knoydart - Meall Buidhe & Luinne Bheinn

We were up at 6am at the Knoydart Foundation Bunkhouse for breakfast and prep for a long day of hillwalking.

Weather was not forecast to be kind and although it was ok when we started off at 7am, it quickly turned as we started our ascent.

We accepted our fate for the day and got an absolute soaking but trudged on and it took us approx 4 hours to the summit of Meall Buidhe and then another approx 4 hours to the summit of Luinne Bheinn. We did the route anti-clockwise.

Sadly my Garmin packed in at 18km and 37K steps but we covered 26.5km and around 46k steps in a 12 hour day.

Back to the bunkhouse for pizza and beers and an early night.

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