Off on our travels

After last nights issues I was pleasantly surprised that Phin slept all night on his bed which we put beside the bed in the spare room. Figured Mr PHL needed a decent sleep assuming we were able to drive to Inverness.

Phin appears to have bounced back from whatever was upsetting him yesterday and was good as gold on the drive to Inverness. It was baking hot and hit 27C at one point.

Made it to the campsite and got set up in good time to take Phin to Culloden woods for a lovely shaded walk through the trees. We had planned to go out for tea with my brother and his partner but her dog Poppy had had a seizure in the afternoon and whilst the vet had found nothing wrong (still awaiting the blood test results), they didn’t want to leave her so we went to the house instead. A very tasty Chinese takeaway hit the spot and we had a lovely catch up before heading back to the van by 10.

Took very few pictures but did like the ferns/bracken so a wee double exposure over a rotated shot. Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting AbstractThursday.

Backblipped early a Sunday for Thursday.

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