Flower Truck

We took Spike up the hill this morning and I had a good look at the 'pond' and could see no sign of any water in it. It's full of bullrushes and sedge instead. Spike was far more interested in the goat droppings left behind after they 'mowed' all the slopes that are far more difficult to reach for humans than for goats. The goatherd's trailer is still at the bottom of the road and I was thinking it wasn't such a bad gig...a rent free home in a beautiful spot with an ATV for getting around. I'm sure the job is probably seasonal and I'm not sure what he gets paid.

Most of the pots around the house, and there are quite a few, were planted with flowers which got fried in the June. heatwave.  We did what we could, but most of them needed to be replanted. We set off to our local nursery just around the corner from our house to replenish our flower supply. Pricketts, the nursery was having an event with vendors showing their wares, a raffle and free stuff, including popcorn, cookies, bottled water and a reusable shopping bag. 

The flower filled truck belonged to one of the vendors who told us she drives around quite a lot with her truck filled with flowers like the picture I've posted today. she backed out of the frame sharpish when I asked if I could take a picture, but I loved the image of her driving around in this beautifully loaded truck. Quite a nice change from the ubiquitous construction vehicles . It is bound to bring a smile to the face of anybody who passes it and might even be a good antidote to road range....

We filled our cart with flowers with the usual discussion as to whether we got not enough (my opinion) or too many. John solved that problem when he tripped on the front steps while lifting the Talavera bowl we put there just a few months ago and broke it into smithereens. I'm going to see if I can do some sort of broken potshard mosaic somewhere in an effort to save  something. Fortunately John didn't hurt himself. We may replace the pot, but its shallow bowl design made it difficult to keep the plants in it from drying out. 

It's been a nice day, getting a bit hot and humid by afternoon, but for once, I'm grateful for the humidity. It doesn't exactly keep things moist, but it must do something to lower the fire danger level, although it probably raises the heat index

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