
I wanted to stay in my bed this morning, but I had to get up early.  I finished off the work I was doing last night and I had to make sure BB got up and sorted out his packing.  With work, I knew that the earlier I started, the earlier I would finish – which was indeed the case and it’s always good to log on and log off before others have even logged on, especially on a Friday which is my non-working day. 
BB did indeed pack his bag and then headed off to school.  I wasn’t entirely sure of his plan.  I pottered doing a few chores, and then BB reappeared during a  free period to finish packing!  He got himself sorted out and head back to school with his bags.  
It was such a  lovely day (scorchio in fact) that late morning I decided to go for a walk by the river, which I haven’t done for weeks, maybe a couple a of months.  As I was heading down to the river I got a message from BB, he was heading home as he had forgotten something!  I bumpd into a couple of friends who were dog walking.  We stopped and had a lovely catch up in the sunshine.  I continued my walk back through town and stopped off to pick up some lunch, where I met another friend.  We decided to just find a bench and have our lunch in town.  Thankfully we were partly in the shade.  She was also working, so she then had to dash off to be in time for a meeting and I headed home.  It was very hot, and I was drained by the time I got home.  I cooled down in the house for a while, but then got my book and sat in the garden.  It was very hot and very bright and I didn’t read much as I dozed off.  Just as well I had lots of sun tan lotion.
Much later, when it was cooler, I popped out for a couple of things for tea., then sorted tea out when I got back.    It was just me and TT – both exhausted and looking forward to a quiet weekend to fully recuperate from the dreaded covid.
This is the white bridge (looking not so white!) over the River Tyne. I love the shadows.

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