all in a day

This morning Janice, Norma, Bev and I went to Didim to the jewellery store to collect various repair and cleaning items, and then we enjoyed a leisurely late morning cold drink in a cafe. Janice won the 'drink envy' with her delicious mango and other tropical fruit concoction ! 

This afternoon was quite uncomfortable as in considerable heat, with Roy and Lyn, I helped my Norwegian neighbours bring from their top floor apartment to my ground floor one almost ALL their kitchen crockery, towels and bed linen which they are kindly donating to raise funds for CODA. I don't know how many times we all went up and down those two flights of stairs, but I was very glad to get in the swimming pool when we were done.  

My entire balcony and second bedroom now looks like a jumble sale as I start to sort it out. Well, I love a project and the money raised for the local street animals is worth it. 

This activity was halted for a couple of hours late afternoon for a marathon video call with  mbfiatw, there's quite a lot to talk about recently. 

Today's photo taken while walking the dog, very pretty, but I don't know what it is. 

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