
Woke to a slight haar but brighter than yesterday and I drove out to cafe Drift on the cliffs beyond North Berwick through bands of mist and sunshine. Met A there, and whilst we started with no view at all, by the time we’d had our brunch the Bass Rock was floating above the mist and the coast was looking beautiful. We decided to walk down to the beach (bit of a scramble) and along the water’s edge. It was gorgeous…so warm and the sea so clear we were almost tempted to paddle. Found a (dead) starfish, but not much in the rock pools other than some seaweed. Made a pebble tower and crunched some shells as we walked…lovely.
Once A had gone home again I had a walk around Tantallon castle which I’d never visited before. Impressive to be able to walk around it and stand up on what would have been the top (4th) floor and look down and see the old fireplaces on what would have been each room.
Home and caught up on a few emails about fundraising and from P clearly confused about having been dizzy yesterday….probably dehydrated in the heat down there. It’s pleasantly warm here but not over hot….can’t be easy for him without a fan or anything in 32 degree heat.
Frustration with bike maps again so almost gave up on my planned trip out but pushed on and decided to cycle just to Portobello which I can do without any of the maps I’ve got on my phone but which don’t seem to do what I want (grr!)
Once again a faff and hard work to get the bike out of the store, but once sorted I loved the ride down there and enjoyed an ice cream and then a nap on the beach, followed by a chat with T as he drove home from some gardening work, almost boiled alive! The cycle home was also great, especially given hills are now easy with the battery power to push me up them! If only I could get the storage sorted I think I’d be out on it every day! Must buy a new flat on the ground floor….!
Pretty stiff by the end of the day after the exercise session I did yesterday…my legs have been burning up today but hopefully will be easier tomorrow. The worst bit was the ‘ski sit’ against the wall…. deceptively easy to start with but what a burn after 90 seconds!

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