Garden Flowers

I can't remember the name of the little pink flower which has started flowering again all of a sudden, or the small yellow one - but that maybe a marigold.  The others are top row - verbernam; bottom row - snap dragons, cammpanula, sweet williams and honeysuckle all still flowering or coming back into a second or third season!

The heat is getting too much, I hardly slept last night.  I ended up getting up at 2.30am to let Charlie out as she was jumping all over me...

I was determined to get up at the usual time, but slept through the alarm.  Though I did manage to get up about 8, had breakfast and then decided to do a food shop at 9, so I wouldn't have to go out again.  Thankfully it was cooler in the store...

Then I've popped up to our 'Wellbeing Friday' session at church.  A very kind person, Ray who has recently joined our church with his wife was there.  After talking about bills in general, I told him about Thames Water refusing to read my meter.  He very kindly came round after the session, and read the meter (but he had to remove loads of water before being able to see it!!

This afternoon, I've just chilled out....but earlier this evening I managed to cut the grass at the back.

Hoping for a thunderstorm to cool the air very soon

Birds on Merlin app today, common pigeon, eurasian robin and carrion crow :)

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