Imagine the view....

By btc

London Life: Full of interesting characters...

....and when it comes to Soho there are certainly more characters to most. To be honest I think that someone should spend the night down there and make a wildlife type programme, I do enjoy hanging around there so much.

I love watching the life, the people, the lights, the underhand passing of cash between individuals on a minute by minute basis for either sex of drugs.

So it was nice to meet such and interesting character this evening, interesting being the words of today for DDW's challenge, so here are some other things that I found out this evening;

Soho has very friendly people who love to pose,

- It is more difficult these days to tell whether individuals are male or female (you can see the photo, take a guess... if she is a he it is does it may mean that I am turning gay?..)

- The price of oral sex is extortionate (no, I didn't and never have)

He/she did ask for a peck on the cheek, it would have been rude to say no...

Hope your Saturday evening is as interesting as the one I am having.

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