simple moments

By simplemoments


…from the garden


something different

expanding my portfolio - is that what it’s - called when you venture - outside your usual - coloring lines and do - something totally different - that’s what i did - on this day - i took a leap - outside those proverbial - bounds and my brain - expanded a tiny bit - i was all set - to post a flower - in fact had just - snapped the one - i was going to use - and was heading - out of the garden

and my eyes landed - on a plot that had - tomatoes on the vine - beginning to ripen - my mouth began to - water as i envisioned - a homemade sauce - over an al dente pasta - and i thought ‘huh’ - i’ve not posted - tomatoes in a very - very long time and i - should probably change that - shake things up a bit - so i wandered over - snap, snap, snap - and it has become…


happy day…..

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