Summer At The Brayford.

I visited my Dad yesterday as planned. When I arrived I was dismayed to see a large notice on the door stating that there was a Covid case in the home and all visitors and staff had to wear masks at all times. This is torture on a blistering hot day, and makes it even harder for my Dad to be able to hear what I say! I'm not convinced that masks do much to prevent the spread of the virus, especially when soaked through with sweat after a few minutes but we have to do what we can I guess..

Once Brian was home we popped over to my Dad's bungalow to get the Halifax book that the Jobsworth so kindly posted there for me to play "fetch" rather than just putting it in my hand. It had arrived fortunately.

Max the Alsatian greeted us but he couldn't really be bothered to bark - it was just too hot! Estelle is back from her travels and was happy to chat. She's been having some building work done while she was away and she told us that two very tall men matching the description of my cousin and his son had been and asked one of the workmen if they had a key to my Dad's bungalow. Fortunately Estelle had primed him and he sent them packing. There's no level that guy won't stoop to!

Today I spent a good couple of hours dealing with admin and making calls arising from the post collected from my Dad's and then I had a walk into town where I took this photo looking into the Brayford from under the university bridge. It was taken on my phone and I used the Luminous filter which is why it looks like sunset when it was taken at around 2 PM! It looks better in Large!

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