Mr MacGregor's garden?

Went to Livingston today to run a 10k which started just after 1pm.
I had hoped to do it in under an hour but missed out by just over a minute - the temp was 21-22C which was okay in the shady bits but not going up hills in full sun! (fortunately the hills, tho' several, were not steep).
On a cool day I can run that distance without a water stop but needed the 500mls half way round, which also slowed me down a wee bit. We're not prepared for this sort of weather up here!
Afterwards we drove up to Pitlochry to have a meal with my mum, brother and sister-in-law who had an overnight stop on their way south from Orkney.
Cloudy and cooler up there and on the way home we had a brief stop in Dunkeld where these gardens were looking good.
The title? Beatrix Potter is said to have been inspired to write Peter Rabbit by visits to Birnam, just across the river.

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