Muggy evening

A day full of meetings, handovers, and other planning work meant that it passed quickly. In one of the sessions, I learned that interviewing for my replacement has started. I think that surprised two people on the call. Another of the sessions felt disjointed because I’d forgotten a minor point in my list of requirements, and it threw me. I did end up writing a sequence diagram to help show what I meant. Sequence diagrams may be one of my favourite ways to explain product features. I really should create more of them. The last act of the day was to forward the invite to leaving drinks. I think that people should not bother because I haven’t been in the job very long, but maybe it would be nice.

Belatedly, I decided to go to my Tai Chi class. Waving to PY as I left, our next-door neighbour appeared. So, I waved at him too, and we chatted on the short walk to the station, mainly about the weather and how today appeared to start off cool but ended up being hotter. We both agreed that our respective living rooms seem cooler than the rooms in which we work.
At the station, I boarded a later-than-usual train, which seemed to crawl into Waterloo. Things always move slower when you are in a rush. 
Somehow we arrived just before 7 pm, which I am sure was early. Maybe that slow feeling wasn’t so slow after all.

I was not even two minutes late to the Tai Chi class, but the warm-up had started, so I had to join a gap in the grid. Generally, if I know I won’t be there for the start, I usually abandon the attempt to go. We were outside, which was a blessing as, if today was one of the warmer days, this evening was the hottest, muggiest evening of the year, and it really got a bit sticky. Sitting on the train at Waterloo, waiting to head home, there was no air movement.

It’s noticeable that it’s getting dark around 8 pm. The lights of the bars and restaurants around Lower Marsh were obviously needed this evening. I think it looks pretty. I’ve probably used a similar picture before in this journal.. 

I’ve previously mentioned the UK government’s position on messaging app encryption. Today a u-turn that the government say isn’t: 

A new statement concedes that the tech to access messaging without breaking security protocols does not exist. BBC: Government denies U-turn on encrypted messaging row.

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