Happy Birthday Dan

28 years ago, at 3pm on Wednesday 6th September 1995, I became a mum. My beautiful 7lb baby boy was born by c- section. I was booked in to have him early, due to him being breech. He was born in Huntingdon, at Hinchingbrooke Hospital, because we were living in Chatteris at the time. What a shock to the system that was. The caesarean, the becoming a mum, and THE DANIEL! Wow, no-one else had a Daniel. First grandson for my mum and dad, first nephew, and first baby in the family. We were all besotted with him. At just 3 weeks old, we moved to Linton, where he thrived at the local school - the oldest in the class.

To look at the handsome, confident young man he has now become, I can honestly say that, yes, we saw that from the beginning.

So proud of this loving and forthright human being, and so proud that I have played a part in making him.

Look forward to seeing you tomorrow Dan with your lovely young lady Viki, when we can celebrate properly. Love you very much x

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