Buzzing around

Not only has it been yet another much too warm day, it was also a very busy one. After running several errands at the town centre this morning I went home, hastily stuffed some food into my mouth, headed back out again to ride to the sanctuary and had quite a pleasant walk with their Turkish Shepherd puppy's mother.

After the walk I picked a bag of dandelion leaves for my rabbit Rosie and on my way back to my bicycle I stopped to take some photos of the bees and bumblebees that were buzzing around the flowers of a patch of geraniums. None of them stayed still very long but I eventually managed to get a few that I was rather pleased with. The shot that I've chosen for my blip was just a fluke though because I'd focused on the bee while it was still sitting on the flower and it is a complete coincidence that's it's also in focus as it flew off.

On my way home I stopped at the pet store for a few things and at a nearby supermarket to do some shopping. When I got back I could finally sit down for the first time in hours and have a much needed cup of tea. Hopefully I won't fall asleep on the sofa this evening when I come back upstairs after keeping Rosie company for a while so I can visit some journals and comment on them.

Thank you for all the lovely comments and stars on my blip from yesterday. They are very much appreciated. :)

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