Life through my eyes

By Amanda_T

David's doors

And his seat on the sofa. It's almost like he sent the sunshine so they could be used. Even with the doors open this heat would have been very hard for him.

Andrew came this afternoon and fitted the new dishwasher in. He has three of Mr T's jackets, one of which was hardly worn as it was his birthday present in 2019, and of course covid hit. Also two Paramo jackets and a fleece which he said are ideal for dog walking. He's worn them all and loves them. These were too special to give to a charity shop, but when I sorted out the wardrobes they were too good (and too expensive) to do nothing with. The only thing that felt right was for Andrew to have them and wear them. He was so kind and understanding to David, and does so much for us. They fit him perfectly so obviously that was meant to be. I don't feel odd seeing Andrew wearing them. I am glad they will be used by someone special and kind.

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