Mummy hazelh's packing list

My mother currently spends most of her time at her own house in Northumberland with occasional trips to the family house on Holy Island. In both locations, she is under the care of my not-so-little sister. 

From time to time, Mummy hazelh takes short breaks with me and Mr hazelh in Edinburgh, and with my middle sister and her husband in Sussex. These visits are so regular that my middle sister and I now keep a set of Mummy hazelh's clothes at our houses. This afternoon I audited my set so that I could send my not-so-little sister a packing list for Mummy hazelh's next visit here. My blip is one of the images that I sent to my not-so-little sister, with a request for an additional vest - just in case. (I have my eye on the Liberty silk scarf in the bottom right of the shot.)

Other than prepare for the arrival of my mother tomorrow, accompanying Mr hazelh to Homebase, a spot of soup brewing (green), and making supper (gigantes), I didn't get much done this afternoon. The problem was that I am absolutely shattered on only 3.5 hours of sleep last night.

I did, however, have a great morning. I finished the first series of Dallas in long dresses (my name for Downton Abbey) when I rode my exercise bike this morning. Then I had a sociable walk to the gym with Karen and Ali. The aquafit class was lots of fun, as was the strength training programme centred on 24 different exercises over 45 minutes.

This afternoon, Mr hazelh started filling cracks in our window frames as preparation for their painting (before they all fall in!) We have astragal windows so it's going to be a long and tricky job. He last undertook this task ten years ago.

Exercise today: 1 hour on the exercise bike; aquafit class; strength training; walking (15,095 steps).

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